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How To Series - Repair Work for Beginners

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This series is reprinted by kind permission of Peter Lankshear, Invercargill, New Zealand. 

          It is a sobering thought that anyone who, as a salesperson, sold new valve radios, if not already retired, is close to it. Similarly, few technicians who have repaired valve radios professionally are not in the ranks of senior citizens. Servicing organizations in our throwaway society are rare, as it is cheaper to buy a new appliance than pay a technician to fix it. Even if we could afford it, to get our valve radios repaired professionally is practically impossible – we are on our own.

There are distinct differences between restoration, servicing and overhauling of radio receivers, and we will therefore consider each procedure separately.
True restoration is exacting work entailing bringing a radio back as far, as is possible, to its original state. With very old equipment, particularly that built prior to the mid 1930s, this can mean locating or fabricating certain specialized components, and entails complete dismantling and skilled refurbishing. Unfortunately much so-called 'restoration' work devalues the equipment. Only experienced technicians, I believe, should undertake such work. Far better just to clean the artifact and leave it as is than to botch it up.

Those who have never had to make a living doing repair work often misunderstand servicing. Occasionally the writer hears criticism of work a serviceman has done, or has not done, but it must be remembered that his job was to attend to a specific complaint -no more and no less. A garage mechanic who re-rings an oil burning motor when the owner asked only for a tune-up will soon be out of business. So it was for the radio serviceman. Certainly he could recommend that extra work should be done, but without a very convincing case it would be vetoed. “Aspirin cures” as an expedient were often made, not that the repair man did not know better, but because it was the least costly solution “Expense no object” is a relatively new phenomenon connected with the changed status of old radios.

Overhauling, which particularly applies to radios dating from the standardized mass production era of the mid 1930s and later, entails checking and replacement of faulty components, often with modern ones which may not necessarily be physically identical to the originals. Generally these are out of sight under the chassis. Depending on the skills and perfectionist attitude of the owner, they may be adapted or disguised to look original.

In this series of articles the writer will describe his own system of overhauling. Other systems are just as valid, but all must be methodical. Overhauling can be divided into seven segments, which are: -

l) Mains and audio frequency transformers, chokes and loudspeakers.
2) RF and IF transformers and coils
3) Capacitors
4) Resistors
5) Valves
6) Hardware and wiring
7) Cabinets

Let us assume that you have arrived home with your latest 'find'. After removing the worst of the dust, grime and mouse nests you plug it in to see if it goes. STOP! THINK!, What will this achieve? At best you will confirm that the set is going; more likely you will find that it is faulty and as well, you could well cause some damage to the receiver, and possibly to yourself if the wiring is faulty. Remember that it is likely that you now have the set because it was sick. Your first step should be to assemble a tool kit if you do not already possess one. This can be quite basic, the essentials are: A set of screwdrivers, long-nosed and side-cutting pliers, a small Crescent type spanner, soldering iron of medium wattage, a set of socket spanners or nut drivers and a drill with bits.

Absolutely essential is a test meter. Look for models, which will read, measure both AC and DC voltages up to 500 volts or more. Resistance scale readings should be up at least 50 megohms on the highest range. Such a meter is likely to incorporate all the DC current ranges needed for general service work. A range of AC currents is not essential for ordinary service work, and in any case is likely to be found on only the more expensive instruments. At one time, the only meters suitable for serious work were expensive moving coil types. Today very reasonable digital meters are readily available and quite satisfactory.

Before starting work obtain a copy of the relevant service data, if at all possible. The Society has access to a wide range of such information, which is invaluable for fault finding, checking voltages, parts location and locating unofficial modifications.

Having cleaned out any rubbish, the first step is to remove the chassis. Have a container for screws, knobs or other bits and pieces so that they won't be lost. Also take plenty of notes of any plugs, connections etc so that you will know how to put things back correctly. First remove the knobs, which may be either push-on types or have grub screws. Some Philips receivers have screws that go right through the shafts. Sometimes knobs are frozen on to the shafts. Don’t lever them off, but insert a piece of strong cord behind the knob to give a straight pull.

If you are lucky the chassis will have only a couple of large screws or bolts holding it down. Often dial mechanisms are fastened to the cabinet. Before dismantling note carefully the locations of pulleys, cursors etc. The service data may be of help here. It may also be necessary to remove the speaker or unfasten the speaker leads if no plug-socket is fitted.


Now the wiring should be checked for condition and modifications. The careful restorer is unlikely to make mistakes, but always be alert for previous alterations. These are unfortunately all too common. Genuine mistakes do occur, but it may well be that modifications have been made previously in an attempt to "fix" the receiver, while other experiments may have been directed at "improving" the set. Regardless of the reason, always be on the lookout for foreign work, particularly if non-original looking wire and components are in evidence. Develop a suspicious approach.

Insulation condition is important. Materials like PVC, commonly found in Post War receivers should be satisfactory, but it can be brittle and is liable to melt if heated. Fabric covered wiring is normally no problem, but rubber insulation, particularly in Philips and Mullard and Atwater Kent receivers, can be a disaster. In many cases, the only remedy is complete rewiring. Do this systematically, one lead at a time and try to maintain the original length and positioning. Look carefully at mains leads. Fabric coverings often conceal perished rubber covered wires that can be downright dangerous.
Early in the series I stressed the importance of obtaining as much data as possible. Study the diagrams and check as carefully as you can that there are no mistakes. Experienced collectors often have horror stories of lethal connections to mains plugs.

Just to be sure, check with an ohmmeter that there is no connection between the live mains connections and chassis. Now for the big moment! Fit a set of valves but leave the rectifier out of its socket. Switch on and note that the valves and pilot lamps light up. If all seems well after a minute or two, switch off and plug the rectifier in. Connect a meter switched to the 500 or 1000 volt range across the HT line and switch the receiver on. After a half minute, the voltage reading should be within about 10% of that shown in the service data. Naturally, be alert for any signs of distress. In the absence of correct figures, somewhere between 200v and 300v would be expected in most middle sized sets.
Assuming that the H.T. is correct, check out other key voltages. Again, the official figures should be used if at all possible. Failing that, the screens of the R.F. and I.F. sections should read about 100 volts. The anode of the first audio stage is likely to have about half the H.T. voltage on it. Anything less than 50 volts or more than 200 volts should be investigated.

Finally, bias voltages should be checked. R.F. and I.F. stages generally have 2 or 3 volts bias which can be measured at the cathodes if cathode resistors are used. Many receivers used the voltage drop across a resistor, often tapped, and connected to the negative end of the power supply. With this system, the R.F. and I.F. bias voltage was fed to the bottom end of the A.G.C. line. In these receivers, unless you are using a digital meter, always measure the voltages across the bias resistors -not at the grids. The reason for this is that moving coil meters draw current, creating errors from the voltage drop in the grid resistors. In earlier receivers without A.G.C. a common method of volume control was by varying the cathode bias on the R.F. and I.F. stages. In these cases, measure the bias voltage with the volume control fully advanced.

The bias for output valves varies from set to set. For valves of the 42/6F6 class, 16 to 18 volts can be expected. 6V6/6AQS types have 12-14 volts whilst PENA4, KT61, EL33, EL41 and EL84 valves run at around 6-8 volts bias. Small receivers often used extra bias to limit current drain. .
In all cases, if at all possible use the service data to check voltages. The examples given are a guide only. Assuming that voltages are correct. the receiver should be showing signs of life. If the alignment has not been tampered with it should be going properly. but all too often the alignment will be wrong. If ever there was a case of the inexperienced rushing in where the expert would proceed warily, it is in the question of realignment. Many serviceman can relate stories of finding every trimmer screwed up tight because someone had tried to “fix the set" by tightening the loose screws. Again, it is common practice for those with a bit of knowledge to attempt realignment to overcome a lack of sensitivity, when the real problem is faulty components. If the suggestions given in this series have been followed, these components should have been found.

REMEMBER THAT REALIGNMENT SHOULD ONLY BE ATTEMPTED WHEN ALL ELSE HAS BEEN CORRECTED. It cannot remedy faults!. A reliable signal generator should be available before alignment is attempted. Certainly, broadcast stations can be used as markers, but the first essential is to get the I.F. transformers correctly tuned, and about the only practical way to do this is to use an accurate generator. For critical alignment, metering of the receiver output is necessary and for this, a tone modulated signal, available from an oscillator is needed.

With most I.F. systems, the object is to bring each tuned circuit .to the operating frequency by peaking the adjustments in succession. It is important that the frequency be correct. or dial readings will not be right and sensitivity will be poor. Some large receivers used over coupled I.F. transformers to improve fidelity. A standard I.F. transformer has two windings. each tuned to the operating frequency, spaced at what is known as critical coupling. If the spacing is greater than this, the gain of the amplifier is reduced. An interesting situation arises if the spacing is closer than critical. Although each winding is tuned to the operating frequency, the overall response has a humped response with a peak either side of centre. This broadens the response to reduce sideband cutting, but makes normal adjusting techniques impossible. The manufacturer's instructions must be followed carefully in these sets.
Superheterodyne receiver local oscillators operate at a frequency precisely equal to that of the I.F. amplifier plus the signal frequency. In run of the mill broadcast receivers, tracking to achieve this is reasonably straightforward. but, multiband receivers, especially those with bandspread, must be aligned according to the maker’s instructions. Some, for example Zenith and Wells Gardner chassis, must be adjusted in an exact sequence.

Obviously, in an article like this. It is quite impossible to give adequate instructions covering the range of receivers likely to be encountered. The only practical approach is to obtain the manufacturers. data that can often be obtained from NZVRS sources. I hope that this series has been of some help to beginners, but I must emphasize that all the articles in the world will not make an expert. Only practice, research and experience will do that.

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